Perkembangan Transporter Minyak BBM yang Semakin berkembang saat ini , memicu kami CV.MDR untuk turut berperan serta dalam perkembangan tersebut.
CV.MULTI DAYA RAHARJA menyediakan Fuel Dispenser Untuk Kebutuhan Bisnis Transporter Minyak Saat ini.
Kelebihan Fuel Dispenser kami jelas Telah sangat membantu tingkat ekonomis dan Long life time part dalam industri Transporter saat ini , dengan Power Input DC 24V , Ticket Printer , Button keypad  almunium built in dalam satu unit

Info Pemesanan

M / WA  081210756922 
Jl. Mt Haryono, Setu, Bekasi Regency, West Java 17320

email : multidayaraharja@gmail.com 
Web : PT.Masinton Indotrading
Blog : CV. Multi Daya Raharja Blog
Google Map : CV.Multi Daya Raharja

2 komentar:

  1. Sanki Petro offers the fuel customer a push-button range of gasoline-ethanol mixtures, characteristically E30, E40 and E5 in addition to E10. This substructure is now found in eight conditions and appears to be dispersal quickly.

  2. As reported by Stanford Medical, It is in fact the ONLY reason women in this country get to live 10 years more and weigh an average of 42 pounds lighter than us.

    (Just so you know, it is not about genetics or some hard exercise and really, EVERYTHING about "HOW" they are eating.)

    BTW, What I said is "HOW", and not "what"...

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